Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mr. and Mrs. David Orr
Welcome to the family Marlee!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
a baby and a dog walk into a bar....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Well Hellooo There....!
So this begins the first Wednesday that I PROMISE to post once a week on Wednesdays. I know, I know, I keep saying that but this time I really mean it. So things are moving along in the Murphy household. We are going to lose mom on Friday when she goes home which should make things very interesting considering we have had her help since the day we brought little miss Kate home. More than anything I am sad because Kate loves her Grandma Orr sooo much. Mom was the first person to get Kate to really smile and laugh not with her but at her (at mom that is) and it was such a fun thing to watch even though I could never get her to do the same for me. We have moved beyond that though and she will now smile at Marc, me, mom, the woman at the grocery store, the people at my store, the next door neighbor, the get the picture. She is adorable first thing in the morning and just after a nap and has definitely figured out that if she fusses someone will check on her. When you do check on her, you will find her laying in her crib smiling up at you something like in this picture as if saying..."ah,ha,ha,ha-sucker! I got you to pick meeee uuuup!" We are in big trouble....
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Kate is 2 months old!
Current Stats:
Height: 75th percentile
Weight: 25th percentile
Basically she's tall and skinny. Everyone comments on her long fingers and toes.
She is starting to "talk" a good bit and "sing" to herself. Her favorite tune right now is Widespread Panic's "Ain't Life Grand". She also gets her grove on to New Orleans Social Club. Good taste. She hasn't really caught onto the whole smile/giggle thing yet but I can tell its in there just waiting to come out. She's happiest when she's naked...not sure how that is going to play out over the years.
Below is a link to pics to catch you up on weeks 5, 6, 7. The male pattern baldness and thinning seems to have stopped and some of the patches are growing back in. They don't seem to be growing in as dark as when she first arrived and at least I think there is a hint of red in there. Only time will tell....she still looks just like Marc. Cute as ever.
Marc's sister, Meghane, came to visit and so did some of Ami's girlfriends from college. We had so much fun with everyone. Next weekend we are up to D.C. for Meghane and Stephen's wedding. We are so looking forward to the ceremony and celebrating with the Murphy family. This will be Kate's first chance to love on Ray, Jane and Melisa so that is exciting for us.
Marc is hard at work after the big BearingPoint/Deloitte merger and right now is on a retreat in PA will all his peer Partners. He says it beautiful where they are and because he is sure to get 3 full nights of sleep I am jealous of him. ;)
Ami is back to work in the store after the wedding weekend so things will be changing around here a bit but its all good. She's excited to get back into the swing of things and then Grandma Orr will have plenty of time to spoil Kate.
Marc, Ami, Kate and Johnny Dog
Monday, June 22, 2009
Pretty pathetic that I don't know how to turn the video image but at least you can watch Kate wiggle around a bit. ;) Things are going well here. Kate is 1 month old today and is now staying awake much longer inbetween meals. She's pretty active and enjoys being walked around but is also rather content to just lie in her playpen or crib and stare out the window. If you don't keep her moving she'll fall asleep in your arms and if you are on one of the porches you can forget about it - she's comatose within minutes out in that heat. She is sleeping close to 5 hours at night so that is fantastic! We've had lots of friends and family over to visit -- seems like every week we are hosting someone new. Kate loves all the attention and Johnny Dog is sharing it with her pretty well. We'll need to get some shots of him posted next time. Our favorite is when Kate starts her crying at 2:30am, Johnny will walk to his bed downstairs and spend the rest of the night there. Hysterical.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
It's a GIRL!!!
We've been home now for 10 days and for the most part everything is going great. Kate is very sweet and has had only two fussy days. Marc and I are figuring out some tricks and learning to live on much less sleep. We know how lucky we are to have a healthy little girl who eats and sleeps well so the only real hurtle for us has been the lack of sleep.
Kate looks so much like Marc it is hysterical. Time will tell if she changes even just a little to look like Ami but so far it doesn't seem likely. She still has a full head of dark hair but it is thinning just a little so we'll see if it comes back a shade a red. Her big eyes are grey/blue so there's also a chance they can turn green.
We've probably been a little ambitious with Kate in these early weeks - she's already been to Ami's store, the Farmer's Market and out to dinner. This weekend we may try to the pool.
Its been so nice having Ami's mom here with us - she is a HUGE help!
Here are some pics from Kate's first week. We'll be posting new pics this weekend.
Marc, Ami, Kate & Johnny Dog