Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!

Little Miss baby Kate took her own sweet time getting here and surprised us by arriving 4 hours before her scheduled induction. Waking Ami up at 3:30am we headed to the hospital at 6:30am - just one hour before we were schedule to meet the doctor and after receiving special permission from the hospital to deliver on a holiday. 12 hours later, a little girl arrived at 2:10pm.

We've been home now for 10 days and for the most part everything is going great. Kate is very sweet and has had only two fussy days. Marc and I are figuring out some tricks and learning to live on much less sleep. We know how lucky we are to have a healthy little girl who eats and sleeps well so the only real hurtle for us has been the lack of sleep.

Kate looks so much like Marc it is hysterical. Time will tell if she changes even just a little to look like Ami but so far it doesn't seem likely. She still has a full head of dark hair but it is thinning just a little so we'll see if it comes back a shade a red. Her big eyes are grey/blue so there's also a chance they can turn green.

We've probably been a little ambitious with Kate in these early weeks - she's already been to Ami's store, the Farmer's Market and out to dinner. This weekend we may try to the pool.

Its been so nice having Ami's mom here with us - she is a HUGE help!

Here are some pics from Kate's first week. We'll be posting new pics this weekend.

Marc, Ami, Kate & Johnny Dog

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