Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kate is 2 months old!

All of a sudden 2 months sounds so much older than 6 or 7 weeks. Is this why moms count their baby's age in months instead of years?...we just can't bear the sound of them getting older. I'm switching back to weeks. Kate is 8 weeks old! ;) Here she is celebrating another day with the Sprinkler dance move.

Current Stats:
Height: 75th percentile
Weight: 25th percentile

Basically she's tall and skinny. Everyone comments on her long fingers and toes.

She is starting to "talk" a good bit and "sing" to herself. Her favorite tune right now is Widespread Panic's "Ain't Life Grand". She also gets her grove on to New Orleans Social Club. Good taste. She hasn't really caught onto the whole smile/giggle thing yet but I can tell its in there just waiting to come out. She's happiest when she's naked...not sure how that is going to play out over the years.

Below is a link to pics to catch you up on weeks 5, 6, 7. The male pattern baldness and thinning seems to have stopped and some of the patches are growing back in. They don't seem to be growing in as dark as when she first arrived and at least I think there is a hint of red in there. Only time will tell....she still looks just like Marc. Cute as ever.

Marc's sister, Meghane, came to visit and so did some of Ami's girlfriends from college. We had so much fun with everyone. Next weekend we are up to D.C. for Meghane and Stephen's wedding. We are so looking forward to the ceremony and celebrating with the Murphy family. This will be Kate's first chance to love on Ray, Jane and Melisa so that is exciting for us.

Marc is hard at work after the big BearingPoint/Deloitte merger and right now is on a retreat in PA will all his peer Partners. He says it beautiful where they are and because he is sure to get 3 full nights of sleep I am jealous of him. ;)

Ami is back to work in the store after the wedding weekend so things will be changing around here a bit but its all good. She's excited to get back into the swing of things and then Grandma Orr will have plenty of time to spoil Kate.

Marc, Ami, Kate and Johnny Dog

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